Showing posts with label vegetables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegetables. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Another vegetable dish from Kerala. A medley with a coconut-cumin-green chili-shallots-yogurt sauce. A staple in sadya. Excellent with rice and sambar or rasam. Add a piece of fried fish, it is a comforting meal.


One of the staples in a Kerala sadya, I love this mildly spiced coconut milk based vegetable dish. Usually use cucumber, but I have used zucchini here. Cn be made with or without the little red beans. Both versions are delicious with rice.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Sambar is one of the staples in our house. There will be some always. It goes well with rice, rotis, dosa and idli and vada etc etc. And it is healthy and spicy delicious and aromatic. It has a lentil base, and all kinds of vegetables, all kinds of spices including turmeric, coriander, asafoetida, and a few others.  One of the basic food item of South Indians. A soup, a stew, a so-called curry.

this one is special because I used a mandolin to prep the vegetables. Till now I did everything by hand, as I realize that I am kind of a perfectionist. Each vegetable piece had to certain shape and size.
But once I used the gadget, things looked different, but somehow easier. Tasted the same, anyway.

final seasoning with mustard seeds, dried chillies, spices

rice and sambar and ground beef

Kerala Kanji unlimited — comfort food #1

 Malayali’s Kanji or Kangee is the best when made with our traditional “matta” rice - the plump, brown- streaked parboiled variety. The Chin...