Showing posts with label carbon steel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label carbon steel. Show all posts

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Cooking in my new carbon steel wok

yes, it does taste better when cooked in this wok. Take the trouble to season the wok till it's blue, and you are all set for a wonderful delicious adventure. the Szechwan fried beef, I found so similar to the way my mom and grandmother made their special Nazrani fried beef. The zoodles and shrimp fried rice turned out so delicious in the wok. got the wok from

shrimp fried rice

Szechwan fried beef

zoodles and shrimp fried rice - ultimate comfort food

kerala beef fried rice


seasoned wok

Kerala Kanji unlimited — comfort food #1

 Malayali’s Kanji or Kangee is the best when made with our traditional “matta” rice - the plump, brown- streaked parboiled variety. The Chin...